"SuperCharge" Your Consumer Equity Portfolios
BrandLoyalties provides proprietary brand loyalty metrics based on the cyber luminosity of each company’s brands.
BrandLoyalties provides proprietary brand loyalty metrics based on the cyber luminosity of each company’s brands.
BrandLoyalties, Inc. finds publicly traded corporations that are likely to report revenue growth in their next reporting cycle by monitoring daily on-line (“cyber”) interest in the brand names owned by those corporations.
We track daily online consumer citations of brand names to generate forward looking daily metrics based on shifting consumer loyalty to the brands of roughly 6,500 equities (3,000 US, 1,600 European & 1,900 Asian equities).
15 years of daily ticker level data, with 10+ years of daily deliveries to institutional clients, providing highly uncorrelated alpha with a latency/horizon of 14 to 90 days.
Coverage of roughly 6,500 equities (3,000 US, 1,600 European & 1,900 Asian equities), available in three subscription packages.
We use a compliance-friendly Lexicographic data collection approach, with no 3rd party sources.
An Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI / ML) focused add-on is available, with data optimized (scaled / standardized / normalized / bounded) for easy ingestion.
Persistent highly uncorrelated alpha available in all three of our coverage universes (US, Europe and Asia). Daily data deliveries with alpha latency of 14-90 days.
We publish the performance results of 18 consumer oriented indexes, illustrating the flexibility of our metrics for enhancing performance in portfolios with diverse mandates -- including ESG and Shariah compliant.
Our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning add-on provides data that is scaled, standardized, normalized and bounded for easy ingestion into neural network models.
Direct Indexing from one of our "Super-Charged" indexes. Give RIAs a reason to look forward to their annual client meetings, and give those clients reasons to feel good about being in one of your managed accounts.